Red Basket

red basket

The Farm Report –pot-lucks, farm tours and crowd funding  The more I learn about sustainable and regenerative gardening, the more there is to learn. I will always be a student, yet I feel a calling to teach and spread good news of abundant living.

Friday evenings in August -I am asking family, friends, and supporters to join me in pot-luck dinners. I need your prayers, ideas, energy and skills. We will hang some hammocks, climb some trees and find some common ground.  Acoustic instruments are encouraged. Fun starts at 4:30 p.m. We will ask God’s blessing on the food and wine at 7 p.m.

Saturdays in August- To bring awareness to our crowd funding drive, Gray Hill School Farm will host “open house” with farm tours and introductions to permaculture, aquaponics and beekeeping. We want to provide the tools so you and your family can share in our vision of abundance and health. These are walking tours so bring comfortable shoes. There will be plenty of places to enjoy a picnic or hang a hammock. Acoustic music is always encouraged, so feel free to bring an instrument.

The future??  We have been planning, planting and building for 4 years. Our money, our time and  the help of many volunteers have brought us this next phase of growth.  Local philanthropists need to see your support before committing funds to the vision.  The local Woodmen Chapter has organised a crowd funding campaign through Red Basket.   We are currently using the rental property on RabbitEye Farm while building the Aquapoincs facility. If we raise $100 or $100,000  our research will continue,  whether as an unsupported hobby or a supported ministry, time will tell.

Share the vision– Please read the About section for more details on our community vision. I will be honored to speak or present at your churches, civic groups or other organisations to raise awareness for the Gray Hill School Farm and our vision of community abundance.

Doug Roberts Farmlandthropist

Gray Hill School Farm


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