First Sewing Class Productive

Great First Class The first sewing class of the summer taught by professional seamstress, Nora Ayers, was a lot of fun and very productive! Before getting started, introductions were made and every sewing machine was tested. Some machines even had to be unboxed and set up for the first time.…

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Sewing Classes

Sewing Classes from Gray Hill School Farm

Summer Sewing Have you always wanted to learn how to sew? Now is your chance. The Gray Hill School Farm in West Point/ LaGrange, Georgia has organized and is promoting FREE sewing classes with our areas best seamstress – Ms. Nora Ayers! Beginning Monday June 17th, 2024 at Long Cane…

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Last Spring Give Away

Gray Hill School Farm Garden Give away

Gray Hill School Farm is giving away over a hundred fifty tomato plants! A ton of complex compost and lots of seeds. Kid activities and breakfast too!

Saturday June 1st, 2024 9AM to 12 Noon at 143 Grayhill School Road, West Point, GA – Come out and meet your friends and neighbors and attend this event.

Sponsored by the Grayhill Gabbettville Garden Group, RabbitEye Farm, and Woodmen Life LaGrange Chapter! Thank you to these sponsors for supporting the efforts of Gray Hill School Farm. A big thanks to friends and neighbors, Diane and Terry, for donating the tomato plants.

Summer Plans

As we transition into the summer we are planning classes for canning, and preserving the abundance. So stay tuned for more information on that. We are also talking to a seamstress for sewing classes.

Gray Hill School Farm Sponsors